Florida Trail Ocala Section Pt. 2

Prairies, foot pain and HEAT By 8:30 I had made breakfast (Heather’s Choice), topped off my water at the campground spigot and packed up. I said goodbye to Alexander Springs and headed 0.5 miles back down the spur trail to rejoin the Florida Trail….

Sri Lankan Chicken Curry

A different take on chicken curry I made this one on the 2nd evening of my recent section hike, as the sun was setting over Farles’ Prairie in the Ocala National Forest. I had a fellow hiker with me in camp that night, and…

Florida Trail Ocala Section Pt. 1

A comedy of errors before the hike even begins My ability to meticulously plan out a hike a month in advance and yet still leave an important piece of gear behind is unparalleled. But I outdid myself on this one. The 9 hour drive…

Uruguayan Lentil Stew

Dress up your lentils with this recipe I am just now returned from my Florida Trail section hike, and I don’t have time to work on a trip report just yet. But a food report, now, that doesn’t take nearly as much time. And…